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9 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Swim

9 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Swim

In my opinion, children must learn to swim as early as possible. When I say, "as early as possible", I mean as early as parents can get them into swimming lesson because a really good school will have children doing some form of stroke as young as 2 years old.

To me what I have just said is just plain obvious but I'm a swim teacher and I am biased. So Just in case you are not convinced, let me give you 9 reasons why every child should learn to swim.

Picture of a child doing freestyle in the pool. 9 reasons why every child should learn to swim
Every Child Should Learn To Swim
  1. As a part of the recreational sports spectrum, the ability to swim is a basic right for all citizens

  2. School systems provide each student with the opportunity to learn various forms of sport; no other sport can save a person’s life throughout their entire life

  3. The time to learn to swim is early in each person’s life since child drowning is an ever-present threat

  4. Swimming is a life-skill that once learned, is never forgotten

  5. Giving children this basic life skill is a responsibility, not an option

  6. There are bodies of water everywhere
    • There are frequent occasions where water in some form will be nearby.
    • There are also more than one million backyard pools.
    • While there are all types of regulations requiring barriers to entry, none of them is foolproof.
    • So this life-skill is a necessity, just like wearing seat belts while travelling in a car!

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  7. Whilst the only secure way of minimizing accidental drownings is good supervision, knowing how to swim and competent water safety knowledge can only improve the incidents of drowning

  8. Aquatic exercise for people of all ages and abilities generally is not an option unless the person has basic swim skills

  9. Swimming is a fun, healthy form of exercise and is a family-style form of sharing happiness together!


But you say, what is the definition of swimming?

It is: “To be comfortable and to move as easily in deep water as on land."

Now it should be said this is not a definition of good swimming but it sure is enough to get you started.


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