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How to Add Power and Glide to your Breaststroke Kick!

Mastering the Breaststroke Kick: Avoiding Splashes and Finding Fluidity

When it comes to mastering the breaststroke, it's all about finesse and precision in the water. But, for many swimmers, the experience can be frustrating. You're putting in the effort, yet it feels like you're going nowhere, and there's that dreaded loud splash that disrupts your rhythm. If you've ever felt this way, pay close attention because we're going to dive into exactly why this happens and how to correct it.

Phot of a woman doing breaststroke to improve you breaststroke kick
Breaststroke Kick Improvement

Understanding the Problem

The culprit behind that loud splash and the sensation of going nowhere in breaststroke is often a common mistake: pointing your feet during the kick phase. It's a seemingly innocent error that can have a big impact on your swimming performance.

Picture this: when you point your feet, they elevate out of the water, as demonstrated in many novice breaststrokers. This might seem like a minor detail, but at this point, your feet are essentially out of the game. There's zero way to effectively press against the water, leaving you with no leverage to move forward.

The Corrective Action: Keeping Your Feet Submerged and Turned Out

The key to correcting this issue lies in two crucial adjustments: keeping your feet submerged and turning them out. Let's break down these essential steps:

  1. Keep Your Feet Underwater
  2. First and foremost, ensure that your feet stay submerged throughout the kick phase. This might require some practice and conscious effort, but it's essential for generating power and forward momentum.

  3. Turn Your Feet Out Completely
  4. Next, pay close attention to the position of your feet. Instead of pointing them, turn them outwards completely. This outward rotation of your feet is what allows you to catch the water effectively, propelling you forward with each kick.

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The Benefits of Correcting Your Breaststroke Kick

Once you've mastered the art of keeping your feet submerged and turned out, you'll notice significant improvements in your breaststroke technique:

  1. Smooth, Fluid Movements
  2. No more loud splashing. Your kicks will become smooth and quiet, allowing for a more streamlined and efficient swim.

  3. Increased Glide
  4. By harnessing the power of your kick correctly, you'll experience a remarkable increase in glide during the kick phase. This means you'll cover more distance with each stroke, making your breaststroke more effective.

  5. Proper Press and Resistance
  6. Turning your feet out allows you to apply the right amount of pressure against the water, creating resistance that propels you forward. It's this resistance that contributes to the graceful glide you'll now enjoy.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Lastly, it's essential to understand the consequences of not correcting your breaststroke kick. If you persist in pointing your feet, you'll either disrupt your body position by sinking further down or create a disruptive, abrupt splash. These abrupt movements not only hinder forward momentum but can also lead to inefficient and tiring swimming.

It Is All About Finesse

Mastering the breaststroke kick is all about finesse, control, and proper technique. The simple yet critical adjustment of keeping your feet submerged and turned out will transform your swimming experience. Say goodbye to the loud splashes and the feeling of going nowhere, and say hello to a smoother, more efficient breaststroke that propels you effortlessly through the water. So, embrace the change, work on your technique, and enjoy the newfound fluidity in your breaststroke.


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