Swimming Lesson Ideas: Songs & Lyrics
When you are teaching young children and infants you have to make it fun and the best way to make it fun that I know of is to sing songs as you do the activities.
Here are some ideas that have come from other swim teachers, the children, videos, TV shows, Childcare centres, Kindergartens, books, other non-aquatic programs for children, etc
New Swimming Lesson Ideas: Songs & Lyrics
Are Always Helpful |
Many land-based songs and activities can be adapted to the swimming environment and to use swimming language (jargon).
As your confidence increases you will find that your imagination also will and you will have a few favourites that work best for you.
Apart from one or two explanatory notes, I've made no attempt to explain where it is best to use these songs, that's your job as a swimming teacher. Suffice to say that these are to be used with the games you play to make the water environment fun and enjoyable for the children. This is by far the best way to overcome the children's fear.
Whilst the hope is that they will fall over you must always be ready and observant so that if they do you can pick them up and praise them.
You must never push them over unless you want to loose there trust in you.
You don't have to be able to sing or even know the tunes of these songs, the children will just be happy for you to say the lyrics as a poem. However, having said that I'm sure you will recognize the words and be able to put a tune to them. Or make one up that fits.
Have you seen my little baby go this way and that way,
have you seen my little baby go this way & that,
This way & that way & this way & that way
Have you seen my little baby go this way and that?
I'm a little pancake on my back,
I’m a little pancake nice and flat,
I’m a little pancake on my back,
Roll me over, just like that.
I’m a little pancake on my tum,
I’m a little pancake I taste yum,
I'm a little pancake on my tum, roll me over just for fun.
Heads, shoulders, knees & toes, knees & toes,
Heads & shoulders, knees & toes, knees & toes,
we all splash our hands together.
(Variations: Eyes & ears & mouth & nose, mouth & nose, mouth & nose, Eyes & ears & mouth & nose, we all blow bubbles Kick our legs, Paddle our arms together...)
When all the world was sleeping and the sun has gone to bed,
Up jumped the scarecrow & this is what he said,
“I'm a dingle dangle scarecrow with a flippy floppy hat,
I can splash my hands like this, and kick my feet like that”.
(Variations: Paddle my hands, Blow my bubbles,)
Crocodile, crocodile standing on the wall,
crocodile crocodile in you
(or child's name) fall - ready go.
(to the tune of five in the bed)
There were five in the pool and
(child's name) said, roll over, roll over,
So they all rolled over and floated around.
There were four in the pool and
(different child’s name) said, roll over, roll over,
So they all rolled over and paddled their hands.
(Add versions: Blew noisy bubbles, kicked their legs etc.)
What do you think my name is I wonder if you know,
“My name is
(child & parent's name/s),”
“Hello, hello, hello, hello, Hello, hello, hello.
The grand old Duke of York, he has 10 thousand men,
He marched them up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again.
And when they were up they were up and when they were down they were down,
And when they were only halfway up they were neither up nor down.
You put your hands in,
You put your hands out,
You put your hands in and you paddle them about,
You do the hokey pokey and you turn around,
That's what it's all about....
(Verse versions: Feet in/kick them both about…Lips in/& you blow big bubbles…Face in/& you blow big bubbles... Hands in/splash them all about Etc.)
Whoa, the hokey pokey,
Whoa, the hokey pokey,
Whoa, the hokey pokey,
That's what it's all about.
(An adapted wiggles song)
The friendly pirate ship is rocking in pool, rocking in the pool, rocking in the pool; the friendly pirate ship is rocking in the pool.... We're all getting tossed about.
(An adapted Hi 5 song)
Mirror, mirror, mirror, who is that I see? Is it my friend (child's name) looking up at me? Mirror, mirror mirror, who is that I see? Is it my friend (child's name) blowing bubbles at me?
(Adopted from “When the music stops you can freeze” Play School)
You can splash your hands, you can kick your feet, you can sway and shake & spin and when the spinning stops, you can freeze. Freeze.
(Variations: You can paddle your hands, blow big bubbles, float on your back etc.)
(for kicking legs or pulling arms to the turn of Raw Hide)
Keep movin', movin', movin',
Though they're disapprovin',
Keep them arm and Leggies movin'
Don't try to understand 'em,
Just pull and Kick and grab 'em,
Soon we'll reach the other side.
Boy my heart's Pumpin’
The edges they are waitin',
As now we’re near the other side
Kick’ em, Kick’ em, Kick’ em, Pull’ em Pull’ em, Pull’ em,
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(to the tune of Three Blind Mice)
Nice straight legs,
Nice straight legs,
No bent knees,
No bent knees,
Pointy toes,
Pointy toes
Creep Them Creep Them Creep Them Creep Them,
Right up to your eyes,
Open shut them,
Blink them wink them,
But do not let them in
Down by the station early in the morning
See the little Puffing Billies all in a row
See the little driver pull the little leaver
“Toot toot” here we go.
Everybody Kicking kicking kicking,
Everybody Kicking kicking kicking, 123,
Everybody Kicking kicking kicking,
Everybody Kicking kicking kicking,
Just like me
The grand old Duke of York, he has 10 thousand men,
He marched them up to the top of the Pool,
And they Jumped right down again.
Walking backwards down the stairs trying to get higher,
Why can’t I get any where’s walking backwards down the stairs.
I’m walking backwards for you,
I’ve tried walking sideways,
and walking to the front,
but people just stopped to stair and said,
“It’s a publicity stunt,
So I’m walking backwards for Christmas,
to prove that I love you.
(Child's name)'s here today
(x 2)
Let's all splash our hands cause,
(Child's name) is here today.
(You then work around the circle singing each child's name to welcome everyone to the group)
Say Hi to
(Mother's name) and
(Child's name) (x 3),
Say Hi to
(Mother's name) and
(Child's name( (x3),
We welcome you here.
(You then work around the group until everyone has been welcomed)
If you're happy and you know it {splash your hands}
If you're happy and you know it {splash your hands}
If you're happy and you know it then you really ought to show it
If you're happy and you know it {splash your hands.}
{Clap your hands}
{Give a hug}
(to their carer)
{Kick your legs}
(front and back)
{Wave goodbye}
(You can make this as short or as long as you want but would suggest doing a long version only if they are still bright as a button. We have found using a combination of any three usually works best.)
(also a good farewell song “this is the way we wave good by”)
This is the way we {kick our legs}, {kick our legs}, {kick our legs}
This is the way we {kick our legs} all day long
(Front and back)
{Splash our hands}
{Swish our hands}
{Pull our arms}
{Jump up and down}
{Hop along}
{Wash our Face}
{Blow big bubbles}
Or any other activity you wish to do in the water.
Everybody's splashing, splashing, splashing, Everybody's splashing just like me (or this) Swishing Pulling Clapping Kicking Jumping Hopping Running Blowing Or any other activity you wish to do in the water.
{Splash splash} went the little green frog one day,
{Splash splash} went the little green frog,
{Splash splash} went the little green frog one day and he splashed splashed all day long.
{Swish swish}
{Pull pull}
{Kick kick}
(Font and back)
{Float float}
{Float & kick}
{Jump jump}
{Blow blow}
But we all know the frog went,
Ia di da di da
but we all know the frog went
Ia di da di da
but the frog went glump glump glump
The wheels of the bus go
round and round
The wheels of the bus go round and round,
all day long
(Each action is done in one direction with a wizzy wizzy at the end to change direction so the action can be repeated going in the other direction)
The wipers on the bus go
swish swish swish
The wipers on the bus go
swish swish swish, -all day long.
The children on the bus go,
up and down,
The children on the bus go,
up and down, all day long
The doors on the bus go,
out and in,
The children on the bus go,
out and in, all day long.
Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are
Like a starfish in the sky, watch as
(child's name) goes floating by.
(You can arch the mat and float them through)
Twinkle twinkle little toes, this is how my floating goes
Ears in the water, bottom up high, looking at the big bird flying by
Here We Go Round The
Here we go round the merry-go-round so early in the morning
There were
(Number of children) in the bed and the little bear said roll over, roll over and they all rolled over back on to their tum.
(In a circle on their backs, head on carer's shoulder, toes touching, move in a clockwise direction then after they roll onto their tum, do it again on their backs in the other direction)
All the fish are swimming in the water,
All the fish are swimming in the water,
Swish your little tails and swim along with me,
Putting in your eyes and see what you can see.
(Sometimes the younger children might not realise that tails mean legs so this will need to be explained to them so they kick their legs)
Six little ducks went out one day,
Over the pond and far away,
Mother duck said "quack quack quack quack",
and all those six little ducks came back.
(Everyone in a circle, children on their backs with all toes touching. If there--are four in the class you sing 4 little ducks etc. Mothers move out to make a bigger circle on commencement of song and when mother duck sings quack quack child is raised and move onto tummy; teacher then places ducks in the centre of the circle and the children are encouraged to propel themselves towards the ducks; they grab a duck each, hold it or place it on their tummy and the song starts again with them on their backs but this time when the mother duck goes quack quack they throw their ducks into the centre and swim into them. Can be repeated again if so desired)
Pull, pull, pull and kick right across the pool
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is pretty cool.
(Use the Row, row, row your boat tune for this one)
I'm a little rocket short and thin
Here is my nose cone, here are my fins
When it comes to blast off, then I zoom
Off the launch pad, to the moon
(Standing on the tables or at the shallow end on the steps, push off and do a front float to carer)
I'm a little tugboat on the sea
I pull the big ships after me
When its time to let go, then I float
Back to the harbour, like a boat
(For the older child doing back float - holding a board, bottle or noodle)
Ring a ring-a rosy
a poc-ket full of posies
A-tissue, a-tissue, we all stand up.
(Everyone holding hands in circle move around in a clockwise direction with the children floating on their backs then at the end the carers help the children stand up)
Hands up, hands down
(x 2)
Swish, swish, swish
(x 2)
Hands up, hands down
(x 2)
Swish, swish, swish
(x 2)
Hands out' Hands in
(x 2)
Pull, pull, pull
(x 2)
Hands out, hands in
(x 2)
Pull, pull, pull
(x 2)
(This song is used to get more arm and hand movement to be used in conjunction with kicking)
Monkey see monkey do,
I'm a happy monkey too
I'm a clever monkey too
Monkey monkey monkey monkey
Hand over hand is what we do
Push off the wall is what we do
Look and see what I can-do.
(Children walk along the wall or edge with their hands moving towards the steps or ladder or safety)
Humpty dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty dumpty had a big fall
Ready Go!
(This can be done off the mat or off the side of the pool. The next verse can be done on the mat or off the side but this time they have their backs to you. On “Ready Go!” they fall back to a back float with parent supporting them (very important their head doesn't go under) do a little back float then flip on to their tummies and forward float hack to the mat or wail and can rest on the mat or wall to do some kicking practice)
Humpty dumpty had a big crash
Humpty dumpty made a big splash
(The next verse can be done with them standing on the side of the pool and fall in or at the shallow end with them standing and are given a gentle push to overbalance them to practice recovery)
Humpty dumpty fell in a puddle
Humpty dumpty got a big cuddle
(The second line is said when they have recovered so they can hear the words. Make sure carer gives a hig hug and squeeze especially if they are a bit upset)
I'm a little teapot short and stout
Here is my handle, here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, 'then I shout '
Tip Me over, pour me out
(Repeat changing the arms, and when they shout they can do a jump)
I'm a tube of toothpaste sitting on the shelf
I get so lonely all by myself
When it comes to bedtime, then I shout
Take! My lid off, squeeeeeeeeeeeze me out!
(Both hands are squeezed together above the head to imitate the lid when they shout, hands come apart and by their sides, they bend over forward and put their face in to blow bubbles)
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Mr. Frog jumped out of the pond one day,
and found himself in the rain,
He said I'll get wet,
and I'll catch a cold
So he jumped in the pond again.
(Children climb out of the pool and sit/stand on the side of the pool while we splash them with water.)
(Everyone yells out AaaaChoo, which is the prompt for them to jump back into the pool)
Teddy bear, teddy bear, tum around
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground
Teddy bear, teddy bear dancing on your toes
Teddy bear, teddy bear, wiggle your nose
Teddy bear, teddy bear jumping up and down
Teddy bear, teddy bear sitting on the ground
Teddy bear, teddy bear, go to sleep
Teddy bear, teddy bear, wake up now
Teddy bear, teddy bear take a bow.
(This is best done in shallow water or on tables or where the child can stand by themselves. When teddy goes to sleep, the ear is put on the water and when he wakes up they do a big star jump. : When teddy bows, they put their face in the water and blow bubbles.)
Rain is falling down,
Pitter patter pitter patter,
Rain is falling down
(Everyone in a circle with children in the middle splashing water into the air)
(Be careful with this one children who are fearful of thunder may not be impressed by the song.)
I hear thunder
Hark don't you?
Pitter patter raindrops
I'm wet through, so are you
(Same formation as above, palm to ear for thunder then splashing water into the air. Instead of palm to ear you can do a loud clap)
I see lightening
Hark don't you
Pitter patter raindrops
I'm wet through, so are you
(Same formation as above, big star jumps this time then splashing water into the air)
Put a splash over here,
Put a splash over there,
Put a splash on your ear,
Put a splash on your hair,
Put a lot of little splashes in the air everywhere,
It's a splashy kind of day.
Here's a house with a wall, with a wall, with a wall
Here's a house with a Door, with a Door, with a Door
Here's a house with a floor, with a floor with a floor
Here's a house with a roof, with a roof, with a roof
(slow down on this line)
There's no house any more, any more
There's no house any more
(Both arms are held up parallel for the wall, one hand comes down to meet the other elbow for the floor then they both meet in the diving position for the roof. Dive in for the no house any more line.)
Jack's standing tall in his box till someone closes the lid.
Jack in the box jumps up,
Jack in the box jumps down
Jack in the box jumps round and round
Jack in the box jumps down
(This song can be used for water orientation for the older child - it can also help them to submerge. Best done in an area where they can stand up themselves)
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream
(Or you can have variations but be careful with these ones, as you have to have the right type of children and class to do them. If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream Or Chuck the children overboard and listen to them scream - All of the above is done on the mat with children sitting in the middle in a line eg Make a canoe with the mat and have them sitting in the groove)
Ring a ring a rosy a pocket full of posies
A-tissue, a-tissue, we all blow bubbles
Ring a ring a rosy a pocket full of posies
A-tissue, a tissue, we all fall down
(For the babies, you can use the second verse to come off the mat, making sure you prompt first. The falling down should always be the child's discretion so this should be used only for the older child and they should never be pushed under by the carer.)
The cows are in the meadow eating buttercup
A-tissue, a-tissue, we all stand up
Picking up the daisies, the daisies, the daisies
Picking up the daisies, we all jump up
(These later verses are used for the very confident pre-schooler who can submerge easily and this is to encourage them to stay under longer and blow all their air out before they come up.)
round and round the garden,
like a teddy bear
One step, two step, we all fall down
Wash the dirty clothes
Hi ho the dairy o
Wash the dirty clothes
(In a circle with the children sitting on Carer's knee swishing the hands and arms from side to side. Repeat the whole verse)
Spin the wet clothes
Hi ho the dairy o
Spin the wet clothes
(Carer holds child facing away from them and they turn the child's whole body from side to side - they can say boo to encourage turning their face around to carer, therefore turning their whole body themselves. This starts the work on turns)
Dry the clean clothes
Hi ho the dairy o
Dry the clean clothes
(Make the circle a bit bigger, children are held on their tummies facing the centre and are swished in towards the centre then flipped over onto their back and swished back out, like clothes flapping in the wind on a clothesline)
Iron the clean clothes
Hi ho the dairy o
Iron the clean clothes
(Children are supported on their backs so they can be ironed flat)
{Rolling} all around in the big blue pool
{Roll, roll, roll, roll}, {rolling}'s pretty cool
{Rolling} all around in the big blue pool
{Rolling}, rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling.
{Kicking}{Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick}
{Pulling}{Pull, Pull, Pull, Pull}
(This song mainly used to introduce rolling on their tummy to back and bacic to tummy but can be used for the other skills listed)
Bouncing up and down in the little red wagon (x 2)
Bouncing up and down in the little red wagon,
Won't you be my darling?
(Child is held facing Mum and bobbed in the water, keeping the face out and at the end can give Mum a big hug, squeeze and a kiss. This is a water orientation based song and can also be used to move the class from one area of the pool to another or to calm the class down when they are becoming upset or excited)
I can run as fast as you,
(x 3)
I'm running on the spot.
I'm as tired as tired as you,
(x 3)
I think I'll have a rest - Phew.
(This one can be used for treading water in the deep for toddlers - with bottles for pre-schoolers running in the shallow water - cut out the 2nd and 3rd lines and also for treading water in the deep)
Running to the corner,
running very fast
Running to the comer,
getting there at last
I'm so hot, hot, hot
(This one can be used for treading water in the deep and getting to the side of the pool)
Run, run, run as fast as you can
You can't catch me;
I'm the gingerbread man
(This one can be used for running in the shallow water - water orientation skills)
See saw margery daw etc.
(The holds on this one are very important. This is a gentle way of back floating and must be stopped as soon as the child wants to right itself One arm is draped across the child 's chest and gripped under the far armpit. The child is then swished backwards through the water slowly for about a metre before being brought upright or sooner if they want to right themselves. The hand gripping the armpit is then changed to support the chin above the water and the child is then swished back on their tummy. Action is repeated. You can use your other hand for minimal support only; we are trying to encourage them to feel their own buoyancy in the water and to be comfortable on their back in the water. The above words are repeated over and over. This activity should only go for 3 minutes max)
Everybody Clap!
(Clap 3 times) or
(Kick, kick, kick)
Everybody bubble
(Blow, blow, blow).
La, la, la la, la!
Bow to your partner
(1,2,3 cue for submersion and submerge)
Then you tum around
(Round we go - swish fast)
Hands under there
(Ease body back into back torso hold)
Rock-a-bye your bear
(Move out from centre with gentle swaying for relaxation)
Bear's now asleep
(Eye contact - hold back position)
Bear's now asleep
Sssh, sssh, sssh
Wake up Bears!
Forward recovery.
(The tune for this is from The Wiggles song of the same name.)
(To the tune of "Johnny hits with one hammer)
First we splash/pull with 1 hand/arms 1 hand/arms 1 hand/arms
First we splash/pull with 1 hand/arms then we splash/pull with 2.
(sitting or standing)
Now we splash/pull 2 hands/arms 2 hands/arms 2 hands/arms
Now we splash/pull with 2 hands/arms then we kick 1 leg.
(On Back)
Now we kick with 1 leg, 1 leg, 1 leg
then we kick with 2
(Still on back)
Now we kick with 2 leg, 2 leg, 2 leg
then we go to sleep.
(Back float)
Now we are a-sleeping, sleeping, sleeping
Now we are a-sleeping then we all wake up.
The farmer plants the seed
(x 2)
High ho the dairy-o the farmer plants the seed.
(Submerging, 'putting seed')
The rain begins to fall
(x 2)
High ho the dairy-o, the rain begins to fall
(Sprinkling/splashing water)
The corn/wheat begins to grow
(x 2)
Hi ho the dairy-o, the corn/wheat begins to grow
(Arms to dive position)
The farmer cuts the wheat
(x 2)
High ho the dairy o, the farmer cuts the wheat
(Forward glides)
The elephant sways from side to side
He's terribly big and he's terribly wide
People ask wherever he goes,
Goodness gracious what a nose!
(Blow bubbles)
The elephant sways from side to side
He's terribly big and he's terribly wide
People ask along the street,
Goodness gracious what big feet! -
(Kicking on back)
The elephant sways from side to side
He's terribly big and he's terribly wide
People ask across the land,
Goodness gracious what big hands!
(Splashing; pulling)
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When I was one I had some fun while swimming in the sea I jumped aboard the ferryman's boat and the ferryman said to me, Going over, going under like a dolphin in the ocean with a 1,2,3
When I was two some bubbles I blew while swimming in the sea I jumped aboard the ferryman's boat and the ferryman said to me Going over, going under like a dolphin in the ocean with a 1,2,3
Etc. Etc.
Etc. Etc.
Etc. Etc.
Etc. Etc.
Etc. Etc.
When I was one I sucked my thumb the day I went to sea.
A bottle of rum to settle my tum and that's the-life~or me.
Your post was a lifesaver to me this morning. I have been teaching swim lessons for quite a while, but never taught infant and parent. Tons of great songs.. I feel a lot more confident now!!!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!
Glad to be of help Lauralou,
DeleteI know how you feel, having been their. That's why I did the list.
Over time I also hope to add audio. When I started teaching babies and toddlers swimming I was actually quite experienced as a Swimming instructor but I had no practical experience with this much younger age group.
Pool management came to me one day and said "Everybody is off sick, your trained, your now teaching babies".
In a panic I ran around madly trying to find out what to do. I managed to find some sort of lesson plan and access some song lyrics but had no idea of how the tunes went. Thus I want to provide some audio.
I also hope to add a lesson plan for babies and toddlers.
this is fantastic... i have been teaching swimming for a long time and its nice to see you sharing ideas it also made me generate a few of my own... this site should be a real credit to you...
ReplyDeleteregards kim
Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteI was in thrown in the same situation you were..."You are trained so you teach babies."
These songs are a great help!!
ReplyDeleteIts Toni from Altona! just stumbled upon your songs been having a bit of a brain laps! Still teaching at the same place? Since ive got you do you remember the pirate activity you use to do? if you could refresh my memory that would be great! have a great day!
I have an alteration I use of teddy bear teddy bear. Generally I do this with the older children (24months plus) so that they can do the actions. You have them all standing on the wall facing their parents and the actions are pretty obvious...
ReplyDeleteteddy bear teddy bear turn around
teddy bear teddy bear touch the ground
teddy bear teddy bear reach up high
teddy bear teddy bear take a dive/learn to fly (this is where the kids hop into the water)
I can provide the tunes for all of the songs and more, Richard. Great to hear they have been helpful for so many. Helen Sonnleitner
ReplyDeleteG'day Helen,
ReplyDeleteI would love to talk more about this. Please feel free to contact me at Richard_Roper@swimteaching.com
Thanks this is great! its been a good way to add some change to my classes because sometimes I feel my kids are getting bored with the same old songs, especially the mums from babies classes.
ReplyDeleteFor the elephant song, to the same tune I use the lyrics
"The elephant goes like this and that
hes oh so big ans oh so fat
hes go not many fingers and not many toes
but goodness me, what a nose!"
SO your verse will fit in nicely
Thanks again, these are AWESOME
please if you have any other ideas would you mind emailing them to me. emmajstuart@gmail.com
hey, this is sunny ,from china.beijing, you may never thought your article can travel so far, hehe, i been study your songs for awhile, a little bit hard for me ,and my american husband did not really help me any of those, as he said he forgot all of those. but it give me a lots of idea for my class. recently i am teaching baby swimming in beijing,and its really new staffs here coming. i would like to learn from your more about how to teach baby swim. here is my blog about recent class: blog.sina.com.cn/sunnynovak ,forgive me most are all in chinese. but really wish you can give me some class plan .my email:sunnyguo888@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi Richard - here is a slight change to the I'm a little pancake song - parents carefully walk backwards
ReplyDeleteI'm a little pancake on my back, I’m a little pancake nice and flat, I’m a little pancake on my back, Flip me over and swim me back..
While parents are carefully walking backwards across the pool with their child floating on there backs - when she song says flip me over swim me back the child then goes from floating on the back to there tummy and the parents walk forward back to the side of the pool.. This techniques promotes the child to go from a floating on their back position to floating on their tummy's.. Parents can encourage bub to paddle there arms - kick their legs and blow bubbles..
heres one we use.
ReplyDeleteentering the water technique
so child knows parent goes in before them.
(mom and child sitting on the wall)
Mommy and (childs name) went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Mommy fell down (mom slides in water) and broke her crown
(with child still on the wall)
and (childs name) came tumbling after.
first day of class learning how to enter the water safely.
Wow!! Great info and song ideas. I am in the same situation as many of the other instructors out there, thrown in 'cause there wasn't any other instructors with child experience (I am a Mom) I have struggled for the last 2 weeks and one of the Mums said "Are we going to song any songs?" That did it, I started hunting down songs for parent and child classes and have come across you web site, thank you so much, if you have any other ideas of what can be introduced to a class of adults and basically babies I would appreciate it. I have given all the parents statistics each week regarding drowning of infants and children under 5, if does sound gloomy but the stats are amazing, I also remind them of one safety factor each week when around water, which I'm sure we all need reminding of. Many thanks again.
ReplyDeleteI love this article and refer to it often, so thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI have a submersion song (from the pool edge for older kids or sitting on a mat for the younger children)to add:
Jelly Fish
5 little jelly fish, standing/sitting on a rock.
Along came a wave and (childs name) went PLOP!!!
Obviously the number of jelly fish depends on the amount of students. I like to get the older children count how many "Jelly Fish" I have before we sing. And for the infants we cue 1 - 2 - 3 before they enter to their parents.
Fantastic ideas!Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI have been teaching lessons for 12 years, I love parent child aquatics and came to the site looking for songs to help my staff. Thanks for all the great ideas. At our pool we use this as well:
ReplyDeleteI have a little turtle, his name is tiny tim
I put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water, he ate a bar of soap
and now my little turtle has bubbles in his throat!
I also do a game with my young kids of walking through the forest
We're walking through the forest we're walking through the forest (child's name) what do you see? (Repeat for every kid in the class)
Answers will vary but I use a variety of skills to help us with whatever they find: Bear - run or kick away, mud balls - go underwater etc.
Have Fun with lessons!
What great Songs Sara. Thanks for sharing!
DeleteIt's my first day as a swim instructor, and guess what? A sixteen year old gets to teach parents and tots! I had no idea what to do, but this will help a lot. Thank you! You are a lifesaver.
ReplyDeleteWow, how useful your ideas are. When I trained my 1 month old daughter to swim, I remember I blew in her face and then let her down under the water. She loved this! I'm sure, with songs it would be even better!
ReplyDeleteFrom Katlin January 3, 2010 at 4:58 AM Reissued
ReplyDeletethose are all wonderful songs, that's a great list. I've been teaching for years and I really enjoy the parent/child program and some of those songs I had never even thought of.
a thought i had to offer was when you sing ring around the rosie try this:
ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posies
splashes, splashes we all blow bubbles!
(move in a circle to the left)
ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posies
splashes, splashes we all jump up!
(move in a circle to the right)
ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posies
splashes, splashes we all fall down!
(move in a circle to the left)
ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posies
splashes, splashes lets all run away!
(move in a circle to the right, but run away back to the wall or wherever you intend to start your next activity)
From Katlin January 3, 2010 at 5:04 AM Reissued
oh! another I wanted to mention but forgot!
have each child standing on the wall with their parents in front holding a noodle (or some sort of similar floating device)
jack be nimble, jack be quick
jack jump over the candle stick
another, which i cleverly started singing along with some of my regulars on Sundays
the steering wheel on the boat goes round and round
round and round, round and round
the steering wheel on the boat goes round and round
all through our pool!!!
the wipers on the boat go swish, swish, swish...
the horn on the boat goes beep, beep, beep...
the waves (or water) make the boat go up and down...
the swimmers in the boat all jump in for a swim, jump in for a swim, jump in for a swim...
the children on the boat wave bye, bye, bye...
Thank you so much for this! I just started teaching and I love the songs. It helps me get some vareations into my courses. It's amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteFantastic ideas!Thank you.